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  5. Peace is within our power

Победа Азербайджана в Нагорном Карабахе не за горами

Сначала новые. Мила Коваль. Светлана Михайлова. Тебе пишешь, а ты не отвечаешь. Андрей Голодов. Светлана , все потомучто ты вредина. Валентина Шохирева.

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Будьте добрее и найдите свою любовь. Всем удачи. Привет из Гаджиево. Екатерина Черненко. Елена Моршанская.

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Елена , Мурманская область , да. Злата Ромашкина. Sladkiy Sladkiy. Злата , на семечки. Комментарий удалён пользователем или руководителем страницы. Познакомлюсь с офицером для серьёзных отношений. Екатерина Александрова.

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Познакомлюсь с военным офицером. Я прихожу к выводу, что в прогнозировании постсоветских общественных процессов наиболее эффективна комбинация исторического, культурно-философского и научно-политического подходов. Именно она предоставляет наилучшие возможности для анализа связей между прошлым, настоящим и будущим. Иногда важно работать как на сегодня и на завтра, так и на вчера, через функционирование системы коллективной памяти. И тогда уже это вчера будет позитивно работать на сегодня и на завтра.

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  7. К предстоящей годовщине Алерт совместно со своими партнерами из постсоветских стран и с международными экспертами проведет серию дискуссий по осмыслению многочисленных аспектов общественно-политического наследия революции. Внимание также будет уделено выработке подходов, которые могли бы способствовать установлению долгосрочного мира и избежанию потрясений, подобных тем, что произошли лет назад.

    This blog was originally published in English by openDemocracy. This blog was originally published on the Huffington Post. For over 20 years now it has been fashionable to proclaim how terrible life was under the Soviet Union - and the further away it gets, the greater the number of myths supporting that narrative. Yet no situation can be completely bad, or good, for that matter.

    Peace is within our power

    I grew up in our expansive family home in an idyllic, popular spa town, at the foothills of the Caucasus - what was then the South Ossetian Autonomous Region, within the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, one of the 15 republics comprising the USSR. Everyone was guaranteed social security. At 14, when I was admitted to hospital with advanced tonsillitis, I was put in a separate ward and fed four hot meals a day.

    The ward was cleaned twice daily and a formidable looking matron would turn up unannounced to carry out spot inspections, running cotton wool along the lino and examining it by the window through her thick glasses. We could leave our doors either unlocked or with the key under the mat, in complete security. In the twenty-five years prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, according to official statistics, there had been no murders committed in South Ossetia, with its 97, multi-ethnic population and large numbers of tourists.

    Education was of high quality and free of charge. There was a strong sense of community, everyone knew everyone else. We had the highest percentage of mixed marriages in the USSR. Like most girls of my age I had a number of young suitors, none of whom I entertained. The boy was Georgian. We had never previously thought of each other in terms of our ethnic origin. Being a bit of a gourmet, I had only ever characterised my friends according to their national cuisines. In fact, there was a sort of unspoken collective taboo in Ossetian society on any discussion of ethnicity.

    I have to admit, I can still remember my indignation, anger and pain at that public declaration of my unsuitability. I wanted to deliver a stinging riposte in return, but for some reason, I could not bring myself to humiliate those who had insulted me, my family and my nation. I realised that if I was to, my relations with my Georgian - and other non-Ossetian friends - would never be the same again and I would isolate myself from them.

    On reflection, I realised that secretly held, or even open expressions of belonging to an exclusive ethnic, class or other identity group is a time bomb waiting to go off - one which went off many years later in front of my eyes during the collapse of the Soviet Union. The fear of change at the time of perestroika had provoked a retreat from the present into the past, each into their history.

    It all started so simply and did not appear serious, a bit ridiculous even. Yet people overall did not pay that much attention.

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    7. They were used to stability and complacent that it would not be undermined by the destructive blather of the new right. Just like some Brexiteers, their USSR predecessors had also talked about things being difficult economically to begin with, but that it would stabilise later on and everyone would enjoy a bright and happy future, liberated from each other.

      However, while in the UK, one also hears strong voices of reason, calls to and actions for tolerance, this was absent from the public discourse in the final days of the USSR. There, the lack of freedom of speech and thus the culture of holding what should be political and public debates within only narrow circles of friends and relatives, played its fateful part. All of us in Georgia loved to moan about the Soviet Union in the same way they love to attack the European Union over here.